The production of commercial films requires a significant amount of energy, involves extensive transportation, and often results in substantial material consumption and waste generation. The University of California has conducted a detailed analysis, concluding that the film industry ranks as the second most environmentally damaging industry (in Los Angeles). „On average, one hour of film production generates 5.8 tons of CO2, equivalent to the annual consumption of an EU citizen.“ For every ton of CO2 released, 3 square meters of polar ice disappear.
From the inception of Peach & Cherry, we have intentionally placed sustainable and green production at the forefront of our brand communication and representation. We believe it is essential to take the initiative and play a significant role in promoting sustainability within the advertising film industry in Baden-Württemberg. Last year, we extensively explored this issue and engaged with various partners to learn from their practical experiences. Together, we analyzed how we can contribute our part.
We acknowledge that achieving 100% green production overnight is nearly impossible. However, every journey begins with a single step, and this helps us, our environment, and our future.
We view this as a significant opportunity for us to innovate and rethink our approach.
We urge you not to remain passive and encourage you to engage with us regarding our ideas and initiatives.
It’s time to get creative!
The world’s resources are limited
Due to the growing world population and increasing prosperity, the demand for raw materials has multiplied in recent years. More energy and more natural building materials such as coal, copper and wood are needed, so much so that the use of these natural resources already exceeds the earth’s ability to regenerate.
Too many people still live too lavishly
It’s all about taking small steps in the right direction. It already helps to buy and eat locally, switch off the lights where they are not needed and take advantage of many other opportunities. Many people still don’t take the issue seriously enough, they simply don’t want to do without anything and don’t want to become an “eco-freak”. But sustainable and environmentally conscious can also be sexy!
Reduce average CO2 emissions
There is an opportunity for everyone to improve and the more people join in, the better for our shared planet Earth. Some examples that reduce your own CO2 emissions: buy fewer finished products that have a longer delivery route, buy locally or even grow your own, rent instead of buy, share tools etc. with neighbors/family, travel by bus and train, green electricity, Ecosia instead of Google, separate waste…
Giving the environment and the economy a long-term perspective
Innovative ideas, cooperation, fair working conditions, occupational health and safety and environmental protection can create better prospects. Industrial groups as well as small and medium-sized enterprises contribute to sustainable development. The consumer behavior of each individual also has a strong impact on our environment and economy. By saving here, using second-hand and recycled items and giving new developments a chance, you can do your part.
Biodiversity & conservation
Every human intervention in nature and animal habitats has a significant impact. For example, if plastic is disposed of correctly – unfortunately it still often ends up in the environment, especially in bodies of water – coral reefs and all underwater creatures can be protected.
Preventing natural disasters
By eliminating reflective waste in forests, forest fires could be prevented and by reducing its carbon footprint, the habitats of polar bears, for example, could be better preserved.
Future generations will benefit
Trees that we plant today are not going to be big in the near future and produce a lot of CO2, but we should always have an eye on the future and want to leave a beautiful world for our successors.
Get creative with upcycling etc.
The aim here is to create new products from supposed waste products. Popular examples are old clothes or Euro pallets. The basic idea here is also to reduce consumption.
We continuously review and enhance our company operations to work more sustainably and efficiently. We delve into every detail, including the utilization of our corporate design. We’ve adapted it to ensure more sustainable and efficient printing outcomes.
Our fundamental motto in this regard is:
= Every Production Phase, Every Department
We already use Ecosia, the search engine that plants trees instead of producing CO2. Particularly in our industry, fleet management is crucial. We utilize various providers such as Stadtmobil and Car2go. We strive to plan our journeys efficiently and encourage carpooling whenever possible.
Careful waste separation also contributes significantly to sustainability. We are meticulous about this at our film sets and in the office.
It’s essential for us to address this issue with all partners, service providers, and customers, spreading awareness and encouraging more people to get involved.
Right from the inquiry stage, we address the issue directly and communicate our measures and options to make the project environmentally conscious.
In our daily operations, we strive to plan ahead as much as possible. Meetings are preferably conducted via phone or web conferencing. Digital takes precedence over printing. And when printing is necessary, we opt for double-sided, black and white printing on recycled paper. We meticulously select our hotel recommendations in the region based on sustainability labels – always in convenient locations. We prioritize train travel over flying, public transportation, and eco-friendly taxis over large rental cars.
We’ve also included a compensation fee for CO2 emissions in our cost estimates: we plant trees worldwide. You contribute 0.25% of the quoted amount, and we match the donation. This is our joint effort!
Our team members always come from the local area, whether in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munich, Austria, or Switzerland. This is our CATCHMENT AREA, and we are excellently connected.
We ensure sustainable and environmentally conscious practices on set:
& Simple waste separation with biodegradable trash bags
& Printed documents only upon request
& Carpooling for arrivals and departures
& No single-use items, no plastic
& Preferably local, seasonal, vegetarian dishes
& Leftover food is distributed to the team or donated to food-sharing initiatives
& Our snacks are unpackaged or packaged in sustainable materials
& We prioritize Fairtrade and various eco-certifications
For mobile catering, we’ve devised our own concept, reusing old aircraft trolleys and converting them into tea, coffee, water, and snack bars. We filter tap water, carbonate it ourselves, demonstrating that sustainable practices can be both beautiful and appealing!